Friday, January 6, 2012

Minion Cupcakes

Ok, this post should have been up a few days ago, but I have been ill and didn't have an eye that I could open lol!
Ok, so for NYE my sister and I made Minion Cupcakes for our "nephews" :p
Start out with some Twinkies, cut in half

Take the Smarties and, with some black frosting globbed on, smoosh the smarties on!
After you do the Smarties for the eyes, you take long brown or black sprinkles and shove them into the top of the Twinkie for their "hair"

Then we are going to put the Minion onto a cupcake that has been frosted with blue frosting! (After research blue frosting on the cupcake looks the best) And you do want to get the Minions decorated before putting them onto the Cupcake.
Minions coming together! :)

Close up of the Minion! :p
I hope you guys enjoy my Baking Adventures :)